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Jonathan Daniels Preschool About

Jonathan Daniels Preschool is committed to providing an exceptional program for children of all developmental levels. We provide a nurturing, play-based environment where children and adults share the joy of discovery and creativity. We strive to promote positive partnerships with families and our community to enhance early learning experiences for all children.

The Jonathan Daniels Preschool Program provides an environment where children can engage with activities at their own rate, level of interest and need. Play experiences challenge children to create, collaborate, problem-solve, predict, reflect, and enhance their ability to communicate with adults and peers. Through play, children contribute to learning experiences, helping them to feel valued as learners thus strengthening and developing their confidence and self-esteem.

Circle time is a valuable part of the preschool experience. It is the time when children come together and share experiences. Activities during circle time include singing and creative movement, and playing games. Circle time gives children an opportunity to talk about their experiences and through sharing, children learn how to tell a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Creative movement, learning to move your body through space, in time to the music or while pretending to be a falling leaf, is a creative way to tap into a child's imagination. Children learn music the same way they learn language - by listening and imitating. Movement through music promotes language development, fine motor skills, and coordination, as well as self-esteem. Children are proud when they can sing a song and can do the accompanying movements.

For more information about Jonathan Daniels Preschool, to enroll your child, or to schedule a tour call (603) 354-2106.